
Artist Statment:

I am a colourist and figurative painter focused on female portraits. I have spent many years animating cartoons and am keen on telling gripping stories and using surprising motifs, which can bring unexpected results. Furthermore, my experience as a matte painter in documentaries gave me extensive knowledge of how to combine props and composition in a single shot of a film.

In my painting process, I strive for inconspicuous beauty of my models and life itself. I draw incessant inspiration from great works of David Hockney, Edward Hopper, and Claude Monet. What I find mesmerizing in their works are the afirmation of life (Hockey), contemplative silence (Hopper), and vibrant colours (Monet).

The area of my research includes women of different ages, with a wide range of aspirations and experiences, but the unifying factor is their strength, importance, meaning, and freedom. Moreover, putting specific details allows me to build an intimate dialogue with the viewer, make the composition ambiguous, disturb the balance, and defy expectations.

My intention is to provide the viewer with aesthetic pleasure, which should evoke memories, give some kind of a soothing experience, and help enjoy daily activities and life. To achieve this, I focuse on a brighter palette, vibrant colours, subtle light, and a ‘soft’ way of painting.

For the last twelve years she has exhibited in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, the USA, and the UK, for instance, in Leto Gallery (Warsaw, Poland) and in the High Line Nine Galleries in New York. After studies, she was associated with Poznan Nowa Gallery and was a laureate of the ‘Salted Candy 2010’ competition. Nowadays, she also participates in online international exhibitions, such as “Boundless Whispers” organised by Eve Leibe Gallery and Artsy, and curated by Artsin Square. She is a finalist of the Emerging Artists Programme 2023 and 2024 competition, organised by Contemporary Art Collectors. Her works, represented by Maggio Art Consultancy in London, are held in private art collections in Poland, Spain, Canada, and the United States.